The Almag-01 is ISO and CE approved as a tPEMF device, and is FDA listed as a biofeedback device. Due to the nature and distribution of the magnetic field, the Almag-01 can impact a large area at one time. It comes with detailed instructions and doesn't require special training.
Check out these videos for a more visual demonstration.
The Almag-01 has been used to counter the effects of sedentary lifestyles, non-manual work and long periods sitting with a computer. Patients have used it to improve visual acuity, and for osteochondrosis, headaches, muscle flaccidity, neurasthenia, hemorrhoids and some prostate conditions, among others.
Traveling Pulsed Electromagnetic Field therapy involves impulses similar to the biological frequencies of your body. As it travels, it can enhance bioactive properties along the organs and body. The dynamics do not allow for adaptation, so the body does not get used to it. This allows the beneficial effects to remain constant.
Similar devices have been used for years to treat fractures, injuries and post operative wounds, but many of those devices were large and cumbersome. This device is small, making it perfect for clinics or for home use.
Using tPEMF, an analgesic effect is created due to blockage of nerve impulses, reducing spasms and improving local circulation and tissue respiration. This can lead to improved immune responses.
PEMF devices were approved by the FDA in 1979 for the stimulation of bone growth. It was approved in the US in 1991 as an adjunct for treatment of post-operative edema and pain. It was again approved by the FDA in 2004 for patients with a high risk for non-fusion, as an adjunct to cervical fusion surgery. It's a proven safe therapy for fractures and a variety of other problems.
The Almag-01 can cause an increase in intercellular and intracellular exchange due to the interaction of charged particles. The magnetic field increases interactions between redox process chemical elements, helping to improve tissue and cell metabolism and enhancing the ionization process. Studies show the Almag-01 penetrates deeper than other devices, enough to influence internal organs. Frequencies are within 4-16Hz, the most biologically active.
Numerous studies in Europe, Russia, Australia and India show the effectiveness of this device. It is used to help relieve pain and restore mobility, returning the patient to a more active life
1. Purpose of the Device
1.1 General information
1.2 Indications for application.
1.3 Contraindications
2. Specifications
3. Delivery complete set
4. Principle of device operation
4.1 Physiological effect of traveling pulsed magnetic field on human organism
4.2 Arrangement of the Device
4.3 Marking
5. Safety measures
6. Preparation for use
7. Therapeutic procedure
Locomotors system diseases
– Osteochondrosis
– Deforming osteoarthrosis
Arthritis and arthrosis of different joints
– Scapulohumeral periarthritis
– Arthritis
– Epicondylitis
– Gout
– Bursitis
– Myositis
– Paratenonitis
Locomotors system injuries
– Bone fractures
– Internal joint injuries
– Wounds, soft tissues bruise, hematoma, post traumatic oedema
– Ligament and muscle injuries
– Post-operation wounds
– Keloid cicatrix
– Sluggish purulent wounds, phlegmons, burns
Diseases of peripheral nervous system
– Neuritis
– Facial nerve neuritis
– Radial nerve neuritis
– Ulnar nerve neuritis
– Median nerve neuritis
– Sciatic (sciatica) nerve neuritis
– Perennial nerve neuritis
– Plexitis
– Neuralgia
– Trigeminal nerve neuralgia
– Occipital nerve neuralgia
– Intercostal neuralgia
Central nervous system traumas:
– Vertebral column and spinal cord traumas
– Disorder of spinal blood circulation
Brain vascular diseases
– Ischemic cerebral stroke
Diseases of cardiovascular system
– Hypertension of degree I and II
– Renal hypertension
– Hypertonic type of vegeto-vascular dystonia
– Ischemic illness of heart with the stable tension stenocardia
– obliterating atherosclerosis (endarteritis) of the vessels of the lower extremities
Pancreatic diabetes complications
– Diabetic angiopathy
– Diabetic polyneuropathy
Dermatologic diseases
– Itching dermatosis
– Dermal plastic operation postoperative condition
Chronic nonspecific lung diseases
– Chronic bronchitis
– Chronic pneumonia
– Bronchial asthma
Gastrointestinal tract disorders
– Subacute and chronic pancreatitis
– Biliary dyskinesia
– Chronic gastritis
– Stomach and duodenum ulcer
Female genital organs diseases
Uterus and uterine appendages inflammatory diseases in the subacute period
– Diseases caused by ovary hypo function
– Cesarean post operation condition
Diseases of venous system of the upper and lower extremities
– Deep vein thrombosis of a lower leg
Chronic thrombophlebitis in a stage of trophic disorders varicose illness
ALMAG-01 is made to be used for treatment and prophylactic of a wide spectrum of diseases using the tPEMF (Traveling Pulsed Magnetic Field Therapy). While using this devise, as recommended by your physician or therapist, follow the suggested therapeutic regime.
This operating manual is a document guaranteeing the basic parameters of ALMAG-01, and certifying its technical characteristics. Also, this manual is a guide to show the purchaser all the methods and techniques of using this devise.
Locomotors system diseases:
– Spinal osteochondrosis with reflex cervical spine, thorax and loin radicular syndrome
– Deforming osteoarthrosis
– Arthritis and arthrosis of different joints: scapulohumeral periarthritis, arthritis, epicondylitis, gout
– Bursitis
– Myositis
– Paratenonitis
Locomotors system juries and their after-affect:
– Bone fractures;
– Internal joint damages;
– Posttraumatic joint contracture;
– Wound- soft tissue bruise, hematoma, and posttraumatic edema;
– Muscle and ligaments injuries;
-postoperative wounds;
– Keloid cicatrix;
– Sluggish purulent wounds, phlegmons, burns.
Neurologic diseases:
– Diseases of peripheral nervous system;
– Neuritis’s:
– Facial nerve neuritis
– Radial nerve neuritis
– Neuritis of the ulnar nerve
– Median nerve neuritis
– Sciatic nerve (ischias) neuritis
– Peroneal nerve neuritis
– Plexitis
– Neuralgias:
– Trigeminal nerve neuralgia,
– Occipital nerve neuralgia,
– Intercostal neuralgia
Traumas of central nervous system:
– Trauma of a backbone and a spinal cord;
– Disorder of a spinal blood circulation,
– Circulation with chronic ischemic illness of heart
Brain vascular diseases:
– Ischemic cerebral stroke.
Diseases of cardiovascular system:
– Idiopathic hypertension of I – II degree;
– Renal hypertonic;
– Vegetovascular dystonia about the hypertonic type;
– Ischemic illness of heart with a stable stenocardia (under the medial supervision);
– obliterating atherosclerosis of vessels of the lower extremities (obliteration endarteritis).
Complications of diabetes:
– Diabetic angiopathy;
– Diabetic polyneuropathy.
Dermatologic diseases:
-itching dermatosis;
-Dermal plastic operation postoperative condition.
Chronic nonspecific lung diseases:
– Chronic bronchitis;
– Chronic pneumonia;
– Bronchial asthma.
Gastrointestinal tract disorders:
– Subacute and chronic pancreatic;
– Biliary dyskinesia;
– Chronic gastritis
– Stomach and duodenum ulcer;
Female genital organs diseases
– Uterus and uterine appendages inflammatory diseases in the subacute period
– Diseases caused by ovary hypo function
– Cesarean post operation condition
Venous disorders of upper and lower extremities:
– Thrombosis of deep chin veins;
– Chronic thrombophlebitis at the trophic disturbance stage;
– Varicose disease
– Inflammably diseases in the acute phase; Hemorrhage and predisposition to it; High-grade hypotension; Purulent processes before surgical treatment; Severe cardiac ischemia; Early post infarction period; Acute phase of cerebral blood circulation disturbance (stroke); Pregnancy; Systemic blood diseases; Oncological diseases; Thyrotoxicosis; Diencephalic syndrome; The presence of implanted cardio stimulator in the zone of action.
The presence of small metal inclusions in the osseous tissue does not serve the contraindication to the use of device in the therapeutic doses.
I Would like to let you know, Hoow your PEMF treatment has helped me. I was diagnosed with Arthiritis, and Also have some other issues. I was very hesitant on purchasing this as I really did not think it would be of any benefit to myself. Anyway, I did make a purchase from you and have not have not regretted that decision. I have more energy now and feel I do need to take any medicine for Arthiritis.
Thank You,
I was suffering from back ache from 1 month, consultated with many doctors, but no result finally came to know about PEMF Bingo... My back ache is gone now
Life is not to live, but to be well. Health is the soul that animates all the enjoyments of life, which fade and are tasteless without it.
A sound mind in a sound body; if former be the glory of the latter, the latter is indispensable to the former.
The PEMF therapy centre at green park extension is a temple for all health conscious citizens of the city. I know it for quite sometime. you go there, take care of your health; you no right to neglect it, and thus become a burden to yourself, and perhaps to others.
PEMF is not for spines only - its for your physical well being. I experienced it by going there regularly. The ambience, the friendliness of the trainers, the equipments - all worth enjoying.
I wish all the luck to those who run it.
Insulin Intake has been reduced , Hypertension is under control , Really Thanks to PEMF therapy centre . an efforts by Almag 02 Which Is a great Help to all.